These lucky embryos to have survived the cloning process have grown to be more powerful than anyone had ever imagined. They are like us in every way- except that they accept photos of drinkers, allow you to create an online profile, are Canadian, and appear to enjoy posting copious amounts of male bare ass on their site. We are certainly not judging. This is just what we have discovered through research.
In addition to their all-male revue, they also seem to be doing actual research on actual topics using actual facts. This research is impressive and might actually have required them to step away from their sassy men's collection and do field work (as opposed to us, who mostly make stuff up after a 3 minute Google search).
Yes sir, our clones are prospering. We might just sign up and have our naked buttocks on the internet as well. On second thought, that may be to hasty. What if they were EVIL clones?

(Note example of universal signifier of evil: the goatee. Is you chin clean, drinkingbuddies.ca?)
I must agree with Mytbone, "I must take exception to your desciption of this web site."
ReplyDeleteWhile Canadians enjoy the fact that we are free to marry whoever or whatever we want, this web site is geared more towards lesbians than male gays.
I also have done the math and without quoting exact figures, it is easily seen that the majority of the pictures have girls sticking out their lips rather than guys sticking out their asses.
After reading the comments, I had a second look at Matt's post. It doesn't mention anything about homosexuality. I found "male bare ass," "all-male revue" and "sassy men's collection." How did our first two commenters equate male with gay?
ReplyDeleteAlso, what kind of person needs to emphasize the fact that they are okay with gay people? Sounds suspiciously like "I have a black friend!"
Still, I'm glad the patrons of drinkingbuddies.ca have such finely-honed math skills.