The Drinking Buddies
A conversation about beer and brewing from friends in Michigan, Maryland and wherever we might roam. Kampai!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Hey Drinking Buddies, miss me? I've got a quick update to share with you. Check this out.
Saturday, December 01, 2012
Brewsgiving: Part 2
There are news links at the bottom of this post!
A week passed without any beersplosions in the house, which is good news for everyone. The airlock had slowed to about 1 bubble every 20 seconds which was my queue to rerack to a secondary fermenter and add the chocolate and vanilla. A number of sources suggested using vodka as a disinfectant in case there are any nasty yeast or bacteria strains lingering on your vanilla.
I'm not much one for vodka though, so i thought i'd mix it up a bit and use white rum instead. Here's where i didn't really think my process through enough. Two ounces of chocolate turns out to be about 4 tablespoons, and mixing that much cocoa powder into rum requires almost half a cup of rum. Even so, it was a chocolatey goop by the time i put the split vanilla bean in. It did smell delicious, though.
I discovered when i got ready to set up this whole process that i'd accidentally forgotten to clean my tubing after the last time i bottled. There was no way i was going to be able to clean the inside of 7/16" tubing ten feet long, so i went out to buy another length. You've got to be careful when you're using new tubing though. That new-plastic smell is chlorine off-gassing from the PVC tubing, which is not something you want in your food. Washing in hot water doesn't help either, as the heat can release even more chemicals. I spent probably ten minutes washing this tube in lukewarm water and running cool water through the inside of the tube. I'm sure i won't forget to clean these tubes out sufficiently next time.
A week passed without any beersplosions in the house, which is good news for everyone. The airlock had slowed to about 1 bubble every 20 seconds which was my queue to rerack to a secondary fermenter and add the chocolate and vanilla. A number of sources suggested using vodka as a disinfectant in case there are any nasty yeast or bacteria strains lingering on your vanilla.
I'm not much one for vodka though, so i thought i'd mix it up a bit and use white rum instead. Here's where i didn't really think my process through enough. Two ounces of chocolate turns out to be about 4 tablespoons, and mixing that much cocoa powder into rum requires almost half a cup of rum. Even so, it was a chocolatey goop by the time i put the split vanilla bean in. It did smell delicious, though.
I discovered when i got ready to set up this whole process that i'd accidentally forgotten to clean my tubing after the last time i bottled. There was no way i was going to be able to clean the inside of 7/16" tubing ten feet long, so i went out to buy another length. You've got to be careful when you're using new tubing though. That new-plastic smell is chlorine off-gassing from the PVC tubing, which is not something you want in your food. Washing in hot water doesn't help either, as the heat can release even more chemicals. I spent probably ten minutes washing this tube in lukewarm water and running cool water through the inside of the tube. I'm sure i won't forget to clean these tubes out sufficiently next time.
Siphons are crazy.
Successful fermenter transfer in a single try! The forums suggest tasting the brew every other day to make sure the vanilla flavor doesn't overpower the brew, but since i only added a single bean and because i'm worried about contamination, i plan to taste it a bit less frequently than that.
After a bit of sticker-shock when i purchased my last container of yeast, i've decided to save this strain for reuse in my next beer. I haven't tried this in the past, but i intend to follow the advice of my brew books and only use yeast strains for one additional, higher gravity beer to prevent off-flavors and strain mutation.
In news from elsewhere in the alcoholic beverages industry, here's what's going on with whiskey! There's also some quite interesting commentary on the difference between whiskey, vodka, and neutral spirits.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Thanksgiving Brews
The target style was somewhere between an Irish Stout and an Oatmeal Stout. My typical brews are seriously big beers with OG of 1.080 and higher. This time i decided to tone down the alcohol, hops and crystal malts in favor of a dry, roasty complexion. I also wanted to experiment with some of the more common added flavorings. This is no Voodoo Doughnut, don't worry.
Thanksgiving Stout (partial extract)
Steeped for 30 minutes at 155F
1/2 pound oats (5%)
1/2 pound roasted barley (4%)
1/4 pound chocolate malt (1.5%)
In the boil
3 pounds pilsen light DME (44%)
First hop addition
1 oz UK Golding (60 minutes total boil), 5.2% AA
Second hop addition
1 oz Fuggles (30 minutes total boil), 4.0% AA
At knockout
3 pounds golden amber DME (44%)
Edinburgh Ale Yeast (recommended for malty and medium-high abv beers). I prefer a liquid yeast as i've had much more consistent yeast activity this way. Blow-off hoses and gummy airlocks should be rare!
In the primary fermenter
16 oz cold-brewed coffee (Costa Rican light roast)
In the secondary fermenter (next week)
2 oz unsweetened cocoa powder
1 vanilla bean, split
I've spiced and/or oaked beer in the past, but this was my first foray into using coffee, chocolate and vanilla. My brew-books suggested that 4-6 ounces of coffee was enough to season a 5 gallon batch, but the Sam Adams Black & Brew claims 1.5 pounds per barrel, which with some really fuzzy math figures out to about 5% coffee. My 16 ounces of coffee runs at about 2.5%, so that seems fairly reasonable for a mild coffee character.
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No explosions forthcoming! |
That's it for this brew for now! If anyone happens to know where i can get a retired bourbon cask, though, let me know. I'd love to use that for a future brew.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Beer isn't foamy enough?
Here's some interesting food science for you. NPR posted an article on my facebook news feed titled Raise A Toast To Building Better Beer Bubbles Through Chemistry. (It's actually a post on NPR's food blog The Salt.) Scientists in Spain have identified a gene in yeast that is involved in foam retention, and are interested in harnessing this discovery to generate a longer-lasting head. I'm on board with yeast research, but I'm deeply skeptical that what we need or even want is foamier beer. The reporting was actually done by Science Friday (a great program). And the actual journal article reporting the research and findings is in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
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Left: the CFG1 nucleotide sequence (in case you want to clone it yourself?)
Middle: there it is, 3500bp long.
Right: what happens if the yeast lack this
gene (left) compared to normal (right)
Lucia Blasco, et al. "Cloning and Characterization of the Beer Foaming Gene CFG1 from Saccharomyces pastorianus" J. Agric. Food Chem., 2012, 60 (43), pp 10796–10807
I mention all this because like any visit to Wikipedia, one click led to another and before I knew it, I had been once again swept up in the beeriverse, a vast expanse of beer knowledge that is apparently expanding by the day, much like an exploding supernova fermentation tank. The science seems sound enough. Unlike the NPR blog, the authors mentioned that this newly discovered gene is only one of several properties that account for foam. However, the introduction starts by announcing that "Foam quality is an important organoleptic property of beer that directly correlates to consumer appeal." I don't know what organoleptic means, but it seems like a haughty claim. But their claim is not unsupported: it cites a book titled Beer: A Quality Perspective, whose first chapter is called "Achieving a suitable head." This reference seems sketchy, but I didn't actually read any of it (it has earned only one of five stars on Google, although only two show up and one is an advertisement. So although the science may be good, my argument is with the premise: that we should aspire to foamier beer. I have always thought a good beer head was one that was thin and did not get in the way. It is visually pleasing, but I'm not sure about the claims I've heard that it helps the beer's aroma. To be fair, there are several ways this research could be applied, and not all of them are sinister. The more innocuous option would be to selectively use this strain of yeast, pastorianus, instead of the other main brewing yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An extension of that would be to selectively propagate the pastorianus that gives the most foam, much the way dogs are selected for their temperament. Then there's the GMO (genetically modified organism) option, which would mean taking this gene from lager yeast and inserting it into ale yeast. I am not against this sort of genetic modification in general, but it is often for purposes I disagree with (pesticide-resistant crops). I'm not against this genetic modification being done, but I don't want it done to my beer simply because I'm happy with my current level of foaminess. At least I think I am. I'll be looking at the top of my pint glass with a more critical eye from now on. And for all my resistance to this idea, if somebody decides to use this knowledge to make an ale with a better head, I will try it.
So let's hear it: What's your take on this? How big is your head? Would you like it bigger?
Side question: Would you have liked to see more sexual references in this particular post?
So let's hear it: What's your take on this? How big is your head? Would you like it bigger?
Side question: Would you have liked to see more sexual references in this particular post?
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Homebrew Update: The Saison Part II and Pumpkin Ale
Whew! Already deep into the fall and the season has blown by like a leaf. And like a leaf, it will soon be dried up and awaiting it's slow decay. Man, this blog entry got spooky real quick.
The second batch of Saison turned out to be lighter in color and awfully fruity, with an apple crisp note that was very overwhelming at first. Since the fall weather doesn't really require the kind of thirst quenching this beer is good for, I was able to resist too much tasting and let it age for a few more weeks. The resulting beer had a less pronounced apple character and, while sweeter, had a dry finish that still hit pretty close to the marks I had been aiming for. I'm going to shelve this beer for now, but I want to double down and see if I can get it even closer on the next batch. I think a slightly lower temperature in the mash might get me about where I need to be, but there's only one way to be sure. I'm saving bottles from each batch for a grand analysis later on in the year.
In the meantime, I have been trying to plan ahead and add a seasonal brew attempt to my homebrew cycle. Pumpkin beers are all the rage, so it seemed fitting to take a stab at making one to my and Wife's tastes. It is important to note that flavors most identified with pumpkin beers is often not the pumpkin. The pumpkin itself adds a "squashy, earthy" texture. It can also take a backseat to, say, the mouth feel of a heavy porter or stout as well. Personally, I enjoy the pumpkin with a bit of what makes a pumpkin pie so good: Clove, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, and other common pie spices. You can add just pumpkin or just spices, but they compliment each other so well it would be a real shame to miss out on either. As a result, I was determined to use fresh pumpkin with a compliment of spices in an ale that would feature this combo.
The ale itself was simple and unobtrusive. The base was a standard U.S. malt with Munich Malt and Crystal 40L malt for a little color and some background flavor. If you're not into grain, that will make a nice lighter ale without any heavy toffee, caramel, sweet, or deep coffee notes that darker roasted malts might add. Into this mix I added 6.5 lbs of pie pumpkins and a reserved selection of clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, and mace. There were a multitude of other spices I could have added, but the last thing I wanted was a few billion spices trying to vie for the attention of my taste buds. Simple is hard to do.
Really, the brew was the easiest part. The hard part was cutting, gutting, and roasting the pumpkin. Oh, that's right, I roasted the pumpkin. I highly recommend having a capable assistant to take care of the pumpkin. It takes around an hour and the gutting takes as long as it wants to. The fermentation was fantastic, as it made the whole closet smell like a pumpkin pie.
Full disclosure: it's been long enough between blog posts that I've managed to ferment, bottle and pour this one. It's spicy and thick at first, then is deliciously light by the time it heads down your throat. It's a big hit with the crowd. While I'd like to see if what this would be like as a porter, I think having as an ale keeps kit from being weighed down (that's a fancy way of saying you'll want to drink more of it). Happy Fall!
The second batch of Saison turned out to be lighter in color and awfully fruity, with an apple crisp note that was very overwhelming at first. Since the fall weather doesn't really require the kind of thirst quenching this beer is good for, I was able to resist too much tasting and let it age for a few more weeks. The resulting beer had a less pronounced apple character and, while sweeter, had a dry finish that still hit pretty close to the marks I had been aiming for. I'm going to shelve this beer for now, but I want to double down and see if I can get it even closer on the next batch. I think a slightly lower temperature in the mash might get me about where I need to be, but there's only one way to be sure. I'm saving bottles from each batch for a grand analysis later on in the year.
In the meantime, I have been trying to plan ahead and add a seasonal brew attempt to my homebrew cycle. Pumpkin beers are all the rage, so it seemed fitting to take a stab at making one to my and Wife's tastes. It is important to note that flavors most identified with pumpkin beers is often not the pumpkin. The pumpkin itself adds a "squashy, earthy" texture. It can also take a backseat to, say, the mouth feel of a heavy porter or stout as well. Personally, I enjoy the pumpkin with a bit of what makes a pumpkin pie so good: Clove, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, and other common pie spices. You can add just pumpkin or just spices, but they compliment each other so well it would be a real shame to miss out on either. As a result, I was determined to use fresh pumpkin with a compliment of spices in an ale that would feature this combo.
The ale itself was simple and unobtrusive. The base was a standard U.S. malt with Munich Malt and Crystal 40L malt for a little color and some background flavor. If you're not into grain, that will make a nice lighter ale without any heavy toffee, caramel, sweet, or deep coffee notes that darker roasted malts might add. Into this mix I added 6.5 lbs of pie pumpkins and a reserved selection of clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, and mace. There were a multitude of other spices I could have added, but the last thing I wanted was a few billion spices trying to vie for the attention of my taste buds. Simple is hard to do.
Really, the brew was the easiest part. The hard part was cutting, gutting, and roasting the pumpkin. Oh, that's right, I roasted the pumpkin. I highly recommend having a capable assistant to take care of the pumpkin. It takes around an hour and the gutting takes as long as it wants to. The fermentation was fantastic, as it made the whole closet smell like a pumpkin pie.
Full disclosure: it's been long enough between blog posts that I've managed to ferment, bottle and pour this one. It's spicy and thick at first, then is deliciously light by the time it heads down your throat. It's a big hit with the crowd. While I'd like to see if what this would be like as a porter, I think having as an ale keeps kit from being weighed down (that's a fancy way of saying you'll want to drink more of it). Happy Fall!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Stay tuned...
Hi all. I don't want any of our loyal readers to think we're going on another 6-year hiatus. I can't speak for Trevor and Matt, but I have not had time to put together a good post lately. I have some ideas in the pipeline and will get to them soon. But don't worry! If you've been checking the blog every day fretting whether a new post will appear, I have a solution for you! Friend us on facebook and we'll let you know when new posts are available. Until then, Cheers!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Saturday, September 08, 2012
White House releases beer recipe
This just in! ... from earlier this week. The president has released the recipes for the White House Honey Ale and the White House Honey Porter. Check it out on the White House blog. If you decide to brew it yourself, we'd love to hear how it goes. I watched the video of the brewing process and I think most of our readers will find it familiar, including the "Ale Pail"!
Saturday, September 01, 2012
Beer of the Month (September)
It is September, that magical time of year when football season takes over our weekends! As everyone knows, football and tailgating go together like a horse and carriage, and tailgating and beer go together like a carriage and axle. Because you can't have a successful carriage if your axle is broken. I'm sure you got that analogy without the explanation, but just in case you're a few beers in while reading this, i thought i'd explain it.
Now, some beer drinkers will insist on knocking back lighter beers like PBR or MGD, but real tailgaters know that you don't get that defensive tackle physique by guzzling low-calorie beers! NO! You have to drink the dark stuff! Also, i didn't want to write about macrobrews today. So the beer of this month is...
Now, some beer drinkers will insist on knocking back lighter beers like PBR or MGD, but real tailgaters know that you don't get that defensive tackle physique by guzzling low-calorie beers! NO! You have to drink the dark stuff! Also, i didn't want to write about macrobrews today. So the beer of this month is...
The Festive Dopplebock
The festive bit is a reference to the history of the dopplebock, also known as the lenten-bier. The first drinking buddies to brew dopplebocks were the Minim monks at Paulaner, who needed the high sugar content of the beer to substitute for solid food during their periods of holy fasting (hence the expression liquid bread). Later, this lead to dopplebocks being typically served as holiday drinks along with spiced and heated wassails. Though wassail literally means "be thou hale" it soon became synonymous with the beverage used to make the toast. While we're at etymology, the expression "to toast" came from the same time period, where various flies and other insects would attempt to drink from the glasses of the revelers. This lead to the use of a piece of crisped bread being placed on top of the mug whenever the drink was not being consumed.
Since we're talking about the Paulaner brewery, let's introduce their beer first.
Paulaner Salvator Dopple Bock
ABV: 7.9%
The Salvator, being the first dopple bock, set the precedent of all dopple bocks' names ending in -ator. The name translates to "savior", which seems appropriate for a beer originally brewed by men of god. The flavor profile is complex and carries the mild estery banana flavor typical of German ales. Unlike a hefeweizen however, the malts are dark and reminiscent of caramel or spiced rum. At almost 8% alcohol by volume, this is definitely a sipping beer.
Spaten Optimator
ABV: 7.6%
This is a beer that tends to divide beer enthusiasts. Some people just can't sing the praises of the Optimator loudly enough, while others tend to find it a bit of a disappointment. Though there's nothing wrong with the dominant malt characteristic and subtle fig notes, i tend to find the Optimator a bit empty for a dopple bock. It drinks more like a bock, which for some might come as a bonus. Like the Salvator, the Optimator enjoys quite widespread distribution in the US, so these should be easy to compare in a home "test". Do it for science!
Ayinger Celebrator
ABV: 6.7%
If i had to make an all time, desert island, top 5 list of my favorite beers, the Celebrator would be right up there near the top. This lager really dials up the intensity while maintaining a perfect balance of flavors. Dark caramel malts and cinnamon blend with roast coffee and a wonderful creamy texture. Unfortunately, the Celebrator is quite difficult to find sometimes. If you see it on a beer list, make sure you try this one.
That's it for this month, remember to leave your suggestions for next month's Beer of the Month style in the comments.
If i had to make an all time, desert island, top 5 list of my favorite beers, the Celebrator would be right up there near the top. This lager really dials up the intensity while maintaining a perfect balance of flavors. Dark caramel malts and cinnamon blend with roast coffee and a wonderful creamy texture. Unfortunately, the Celebrator is quite difficult to find sometimes. If you see it on a beer list, make sure you try this one.
That's it for this month, remember to leave your suggestions for next month's Beer of the Month style in the comments.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Presidential beer update
President Obama went on reddit yesterday to answer users' questions. Among many more substantive issues addressed was this:
It's the issue du jour. Maybe he's waiting for Romney to release his tax records, or maybe it will be the centerpiece of the upcoming convention. Stay tuned.
What's the recipe for the White House's beer?
It will be out soon! I can tell from first hand experience, it is tasty.
It's the issue du jour. Maybe he's waiting for Romney to release his tax records, or maybe it will be the centerpiece of the upcoming convention. Stay tuned.
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